忘れられない衝動に子宮が濡れる。『まだ、こんな私でも興奮してくれますか?』結婚して 2 年目に差し掛かる妻・まな。エリートの夫との生活は裕福だったが、夫が忙しく夜の生活もままならない。そんな【まな】にはある記憶が渦巻いていた。学生時代にバイトしていたコンビニでの出来事。絶倫先輩にセクハラされた記憶。
The uterus gets wet with an unforgettable impulse. “Are you still excited even if I am like this? ] My wife, Mana, who is approaching her second year after marriage. Her elite life with her husband was affluent, but her husband’s busy schedule made her nightlife difficult. A certain memory was swirling in such [Mana]. An incident at a convenience store where she worked part-time when she was a student. A memory of being sexually harassed by her unequaled senior.